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How To Do It


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Contents Introductory.--How We Met  How To Talk  Talk  How To Write  How To Read. I.  How To Read. II.  How To Go Into Society  How To Travel  Life At School  Life In Vacation  Life Alone  Habits In Church  Life With Children  Life With Your Elders  Habits Of Reading  Getting Ready

Book Excerpts:

How To Talk.

Here is a letter from my nephew Tom, a spirited, modest boy of seventeen, who is a student of the Scientific School at New Limerick. 

He is at home with his mother for an eight weeks’ vacation; and the very first evening of his return he went round with her to the Vandermeyers’, where was a little gathering of some thirty or forty people,--most of them, as he confesses, his old schoolmates, a few of them older than himself. 

But poor Tom was mortified, and thinks he was disgraced, because he did not have anything to say, could not say it if he had, and, in short, because he does not talk well. He hates talking parties, he says, and never means to go to one again.

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