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G.729A Audio codec Windows Mobile source code(C/C++)

G.729A Audio codec Windows Mobile source code(C/C++)
EasyG729A is an implementation of ITU G.729A.  EasyG729A support multiple channels concurrent. There is no limit in concurrent channels and it can up to thousands channels.
EasyG729A is an 8kbps coder that encodes/decodes speech signal. The coder operates on speech frames of 10 ms, corresponding to 80 samples at a sampling rate of 8000
samples/sec. In addition to the 10 ms speech frame duration, there is also a look-ahead delay of 5 ms, resulting in a total initial algorithmic delay of 15ms.
EasyG729A has a binary release version on Windows and Linux. The source code of EasyG729A is written by C/C++, so you can easily port it to UNIX, PPC,DSP, Vxworks or other operation system that support C/C++.


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